
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Job (The Adventure That Awaits)

Surely getting my first job would be an adventure, wouldn't you think? Eh. Working at Zaxby's might not turn out to be as glamorous as I'm thinking, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited about it! Jenn + Job = Money. I can connect the dots pretty well. Jenn + Money = More New Books! God knows I will never have enough books!

Everyone else in my family isn't as excited about this as I am. I come home after the interview, throw my hands up into the air and shout to my father "Guess what? Your awesome amazing daughter finally landed a job! How excited are you!?" He just gave me a half smile and shrugged "Well Good, Jenny." ... Really? Is getting your first job in this economy not that big a deal as I thought? Well, didn’t let it get me down. Maybe I’m just extra pumped about getting to work with one of my bestest friends! (I’m looking at you Brutal Sprout!) Now all I need to make it even better is for another one of my friends to come join the crew too (Bloody Mary? Switch Blade? Snow Might? ... Any takers? :D ) A raise couldn’t hurt either. (I haven’t even started yet and I’m already thinking about a raise, how pitiful is that? >.< ) But I just thought I’d talk about my Job success story. What was your first job? Do you get stressed before interviews Like I do?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What Do I Look For In A Book?

Okay, so the writing craving has come back with a vengeance and I was just laying in my room trying to think of what to write while I listened to 'The Host' playlist (Stephenie Meyer Book, I like to listen to playlists while I read sometimes, and she had a whole list of songs that she listened to when she wrote the book ^.^ A lot of Authors do that and I love it!). I then looked over at my book shelves and it came to me! What is it that I look for in a book? Why do I rate books the way I do? what is the reason behind this?

So I'm going to go general for a second and say I'm definitely attracted to the paranormal/fiction Genre and I can't stand non-fiction. I think one of the reasons for this is because Twilight was the book that started it all for me and it was my first romance book also, sure I knew some good books and wanted to read, but Twilight sucked me into the world of books! So once I finished that book I started looking for more. Because Twilight had been a vampire book I started looking for more of those and became comfortable with it. (I'm still in the vampire craze) I really can't seem to get away from vampire books because almost all of the books I've read about vampires have been awesome, its a safe path for me. I really don't like straying from the path, if I find something comfortable I stick with it. So after a while of all vampire books I began to think "Hey, I wonder what other fairy tale-ish books there are? What about Fairies, Werewolves and Witches?" Right now I'm in my 'everything-paranormal' phase.

I've found that I'm attracted to books that have a romantic theme or anything that hints to attraction. I'm a sap for romantic movies, so naturally that would appeal to me. I like Paranormal books, as I said above, because they can have two layers of problems to keep the story going, regular everyday problems and supernatural ones and they can even heighten normal occurrences to something challenging (Only in paranormal books do nose bleeds have the potential to be lethal) I know I really don't like to many books where guys are the main characters, it just doesn't give me anything to connect with. I also like it when the MC gets captured or taken. I love watching how they plan to escape and I feel victorious along side her when she gets away and beats up her captors in the process :D Or if the MC affects one of her captors and gets him or her to be on her side to help her out. It really just makes the adventure more exciting and gets me to root for the MC even more! Being captured lets me see that hey, shes not all powerful but shes not a total wuss either.

That’s really all of the main things that I like in a book, there are a lot of little things but I really don’t have time to go into everything. Tell me what you think? What makes your favorite book?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Procrastination! (Oh, be still my heart)

Okay, So right now I'm listening to The Killers and exactly two minutes ago I was working on my English projects, fixing a few errors before I send it to turnitin.com. As you can see, my sugar induced twitchiness has led me to start blogging once more. *pauses as Indie Rock & Roll comes on to do a spastic air drum solo.* I just had this crazy craving to write (and ,naturally, writing stuff for school doesn’t satisfy this intense desire)

So, I’ve been rereading the ‘Night Huntress’ series by Jeaniene Frost and I have been hit once again with the pure awesomeness of this book. It really has everything I love about books in it! (Though the intense sex scenes I could do without, they burn my eyes out! Beware the second book! O.o) It has a kick butt heroine, believable characters and problems, stud muffin bounty hunter, Spiffy nicknames, No love at first sight crap >.>, Staketastic hunts and much more! I would tell you more, but I’d give away a bit of the plot :D I really do love this book. Needless to say it’s a paranormal romance. I’d give it a 4 ¾ stars. (Right up there with The Hunger Games novels [4 ½] ) The only reason it’s not a 5 is because of the sex scenes, I really don’t want to read that kind of stuff but it does seems unavoidable for the kinds of books I like. Here’s the back summary of the first book:

Half-vampire Catherine Crawfield is going after the undead with a vengeance, hoping that one of these deadbeats is her father--the one responsible for ruining her mother's life. Then she's captured by Bones, a vampire bounty hunter, and is forced into an unholy partnership.

In exchange for finding her father, Cat agrees to train with the sexy night stalker until her battle reflexes are as sharp as his fangs. She's amazed she doesn't end up as his dinner--are there actually good vampires? Pretty soon Bones will have her convinced that being half-dead doesn't have to be all bad. But before she can enjoy her new found status as kick-ass demon hunter, Cat and Bones are pursued by a group of killers. Now Cat will have to choose a side . . . and Bones is turning out to be as tempting as any man with a heartbeat.

It sounds strange and cheesy at some parts, but what book summary doesn’t? (Every time I try to explain a book to someone I end up sounding like an idiot and making the book look horrible in the process) Well I really need to get back to my essay, my writing itch as been scratched for the moment so I shall take my leave and stop procrastinating. :D