
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Job (The Adventure That Awaits)

Surely getting my first job would be an adventure, wouldn't you think? Eh. Working at Zaxby's might not turn out to be as glamorous as I'm thinking, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited about it! Jenn + Job = Money. I can connect the dots pretty well. Jenn + Money = More New Books! God knows I will never have enough books!

Everyone else in my family isn't as excited about this as I am. I come home after the interview, throw my hands up into the air and shout to my father "Guess what? Your awesome amazing daughter finally landed a job! How excited are you!?" He just gave me a half smile and shrugged "Well Good, Jenny." ... Really? Is getting your first job in this economy not that big a deal as I thought? Well, didn’t let it get me down. Maybe I’m just extra pumped about getting to work with one of my bestest friends! (I’m looking at you Brutal Sprout!) Now all I need to make it even better is for another one of my friends to come join the crew too (Bloody Mary? Switch Blade? Snow Might? ... Any takers? :D ) A raise couldn’t hurt either. (I haven’t even started yet and I’m already thinking about a raise, how pitiful is that? >.< ) But I just thought I’d talk about my Job success story. What was your first job? Do you get stressed before interviews Like I do?


  1. Congrats, Jenn! How exciting. I think my first job was at this place called Sweet Pea Designs. I pasted stationary on pieces of paper for 8 hours a day, but I was 14 and most people wouldn't hire me yet. Once I was old enough, I started working at Chick-Fil-A on 280 and I worked there all through high school and sometimes in the summer during college. Food service rocks, especially when it involves fried chicken!

  2. Haha, I'm so happy to be working with you too! We really do need to convince SwitchBlade to join the industry. He lives close enough!
